Asia-Pacific is Becoming ‘Most Militarized Region in the World’
American allies and potential adversaries in the Pacific are busily amassing formidable stockpiles of advanced military hardware, just as American commanders are doubling down on U.S. presence in the region.
Mini-satellites could form 'space cop' traffic control system
U.S. scientists say they're working on mini-satellites that could function as "space cops" to help avoid collisions in space of satellites and space debris.
US Warships On Call For Sochi
Official Washington says it’s confident Russia can handle security at the Winter Olympics next month — but better to be safe than sorry.
What Happens When Artificial Intelligence Turns On Us?
Scientists have already created machines that are better than humans at chess, Jeopardy!, navigation, data mining, search, theorem proving and countless other tasks. Eventually, machines will be created that are better than humans at A.I. research. At that point, they will be able to improve their own capabilities very quickly.
Napolitano: NSA spies on you from your dishwasher
Do we have any expectation of privacy in this digital age?

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Was $26.00 Now $16.36
Computer chips in food packaging could 'text people'
Scientists have developed the gadget that can be inserted into packets of perishable foods, which will be able to assess when the contents are nearing their use-by date, an EU committee of peers has heard.
Administration fears part of health care system so flawed it could bankrupt insurance companies
While the administration publicly expresses full confidence in its health care law, privately it fears one part of the system is so flawed it could bankrupt insurance companies and cripple ObamaCare itself.
The New Debt Ceiling 'Drop Dead' Date Is Going To Be Earlier Than We Thought
The U.S. is likely to exhaust its borrowing authority on the earlier side of what Treasury Secretary Jack Lew had estimated, he said in a letter to Congressional leaders on Wednesday.
Get used to the cold!
Relentless freeze sweeping Midwest and Northeast will cause more snow next week Meteorologists are forecasting yet another snow storm for the East Coast, which will arrive on Monday The Midwest will be hit with a blast as well between Friday and Saturday, which may cause dangerous roads and flight cancellations Berkeley Professor: CA Dry Spell May Be Worst Since 1500s
In California, 2013 was a record-setting year because of the lack of rainfall. A professor at UC Berkeley warns this time could go into the record books as the driest in centuries.
Iranian nuke deal: 'We did not agree to dismantle anything'
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif insisted Wednesday that the Obama administration mischaracterizes concessions by his side in the six-month nuclear deal with Iran, telling CNN in an exclusive interview that "we did not agree to dismantle anything."
Israel 'foils al-Qaida plot' on U.S. embassy
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced on Wednesday that it arrested three Palestinians from east Jerusalem recruited online by an al-Qaida operative in Gaza, who were in the midst of preparations to carry out a string of large-scale bombing and shooting attacks on multiple targets in Israel. The intended targets included the Jerusalem Convention Center, a bus traveling between the capital and Ma’aleh Adumim, the US embassy in Tel Aviv, and emergency responders who would have arrived at the scene of attacks
Romanian Police say they catch hacker Guccifer
Romanian authorities have said they caught the Romanian hacker known as Guccifer, who allegedly broke into the email accounts of several high level individuals including former US secretary of state Colin Powell.
Was $29.99 Now $20.17
U.S. Cattle Herd Is At A 61 Year Low And Organic Food Shortages Are Being Reported
Surprisingly cold weather and increasing demand for organic food have both been a factor, but the biggest threat to the U.S. food supply is the extraordinary drought which has had a relentless grip on the western half of the country.
Harvard Professor Warns of “Devastating” China-Japan War “
Any potential war between the two nations would be devastating to both, Vogel said,” according to the Want China Times, “adding that it would take at least 10 years for Beijing and Tokyo to resume normalized relations if a third Sino-Japanese war were to take place.”
‘Warzone’: Open street battles in Kiev as rioters, police face-off
Riot police brutally dispersed radical protesters from central Kiev in the largest operation since the latest outbreak of violence. Almost 200 officers have been injured over four days of scuffles. Two people were reportedly killed amid the crisis.
NEW West Virginia Chemical Spill! Leaks Lye Near Ohio River
Less than two weeks after southern West Virginians began experiencing one of the worst federal chemical disasters in history, a fracking truck overturned and leaked more poison, lye, onto the state near the Ohio River Tuesday.
Superbugs are breeding, spreading drug-resistant genes at water treatment plants
What role does the current overuse of antibiotics play in encouraging the spread of new and invasive super bugs? Why are water treatment facilities spreading super bugs even after the water has been treated? Is chlorine an effective water disinfectant?