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Europeans on alert: Olympic athletes receive terror warnings
Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia said they received the threats in the form of emails and hand-written letters, according to Reuters. The messages threatened that athletes will be targeted with terrorist attacks at the upcoming games.
Wall Street adviser: Actual unemployment is 37.2%
USA In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.
Israel Poised to Strike! Middle East About to Ignite In War!
According to this breaking story, Israel is now actively talking about striking Iran in the face of both the US and EU, only hours ago, lifting sanctions on the terrorist-sponsoring country.

Radiation Detection Kit CDV-717
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Israel says cracks Palestinian al Qaeda cell in Jerusalem
Israel said on Wednesday it had arrested two Palestinians from East Jerusalem who were planning to carry out attacks for al Qaeda with the help of foreign suicide bombers posing as Russian tourists.
Gerald Celente: ‘It’s Going Down!!!’
As is explained at the beginning of the video below of that interview, Celente, from Trends Journal and founder of Trends Research, has remained relevant in the future trends forecasting business because of his accuracy of his prediction on what is coming. (video)
China Makes Another Move Threatens US Dollar
While the European people slip even further into poverty, we learn here that China has made another move that further leaves the dollar on the verge of collapse. We also learn that cyber attacks all across the world are rising which will inevitably lead to a ‘doomsday attack’. (video)
Target drops part-time workers from health care plans
“The Health Insurance Marketplaces provides new options for healthcare coverage that we believe our part-time members may prefer,” she wrote. “In fact, by offering them insurance, we could actually disqualify many of them from being eligible for newly available subsidies that could reduce their overall health insurance expense.”
5 telltale signs you received a fake Target email
Target is sending out millions of emails to customers who had their personal information stolen in the recent security breach, and scammers are coming out of the woodwork.
Higher-income Americans hit hardest by tax changes
Higher-income Americans and some legally married same-sex couples are likely to feel the biggest hits from tax law changes when they file their returns in the next month or two.
Deep Freeze in Midwest, Northeast to Be Prolonged
Bitterly cold air is again settling southward from the Arctic into a large part of the Eastern states. Unlike the outbreak from early January, this time the cold will have more staying power.
Winter Storm That Hammers Northeast Cancels 4,400 Flights
Snow blowers whirred and shovels scraped across sidewalks on Wednesday as the Northeast tried to keep up with a winter storm that swirled up the coast, creating blizzard conditions on Cape Cod, disrupting government work in Washington and leaving behind bitter cold that sapped fuel supplies.
Energizer Weather Ready Compact Rechargeable LED Light
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Sand and Propane shortage adds to winter woes
Sand used to keep roads safe during snowstorms and ice buildup is running low in some states, as are the budgets to buy the sand and deploy trucks and plows. Propane stocks in many states have also hit disconcerting lows since the winter started with meager allowances and back-to-back cold spells have increased the energy dilemma for millions.
Navy Sailor after Fukushima: I’m in a wheelchair, now it’s spreading to my arms and hands
More than 70 people–sailors, marines and their offspring have sued TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, for not warning the US Navy that its ships were sailing into radioactive plumes when it responded to a call to help after a tsunami caused the Fukushima nuclear reactor melt down
New leak found in Fukushima plant’s wrecked No. 3 building
A new water leak, possibly from the effort to cool a crippled reactor, has been detected on the first floor of a reactor building at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Jan. 18.
Deadly Violence Hits U.S.-Mexico Border
Unfortunately, violent outbreaks south of the Mexico border are all too common amid battles between drug cartels and other societal breakdowns. Recently, however, these deadly attacks have begun appearing in new regions of the nation – and in frighteningly close proximity to the United States.