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Iran sending warships close to US borders
A senior Iranian naval commander says his country has sent several warships to the Atlantic Ocean, close to U.S. maritime borders for the first time.
Billionaire Eric Sprott - The U.S. Gold Is Gone
With the end of another wild week of trading in global markets coming to a close, today billionaire Eric Sprott told King World News that there is no gold left in vaults where the US gold as well as other foreign countries’ gold is supposed to be safely stored.
Two quakes strike near Fukushima
Two magnitude-5 earthquakes struck off the coast of Japan’s Fukushima prefecture, the site of the 2011 tsunami and earthquake that killed more than 18,000 people and sparked the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl.
Monster 75 FOOT wave smashes into BRITISH coast
Atlantic superstorm to hit UK TOMORROW
BRITAIN has been battered by the biggest wave in HISTORY - a staggering 75ft monster - just hours before a huge Atlantic superstorm is set to smash into the mainland.
White House on lockdown after man 'with two suspicious bags tried climbing over the fence'
The White House has been put on lockdown after an unidentified man was caught trying to jump the fence Friday afternoon. Secret Service officers apprehended the suspect and he is now in custody.
Sheriff Arpaio's Lead Obama Investigator Drops Bomb On WH
A separate criminal investigation has been opened in regards to the authenticity of Barack Obama's birth certificate. Press conference probable in March. Universe shattering...

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US promises to defend Japan from China as dispute lingers
US Secretary of State John Kerry was meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida on Friday when he reiterated previous remarks from the White House about the Obama administration’s willingness to come to Japan’s aid if events escalate in the East China Sea.
'Worst job recovery in history' - US economy falls below expectations for the second month
The US economy fell below expectations for the second consecutive month, with January adding only 118,000 new jobs, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Bitcoin plunges 20% on exchange, withdrawals halted
The value of the bitcoin cryptocurrency has dropped below $690 per unit on one of the world’s biggest exchanges Mt. Gox, after the Japanese trader temporarily stopped withdrawals to fix technical problems.
Under attack: Germany says European Central Bank’s quantitative easing illegal
Germany’s constitutional court said the European Central Bank’s bond-buying program- Outright Monetary Transaction (OMT) - “infringes” on the powers of individual nations, a claim the ECB has flatly denied.
EGYPT :: Gharbiya records first swine flu death
Gharbiya, Egypt has recorded the first death with the H1N1 infection, an official medical source said Friday.
Russia: Pork containing African Swine Fever hit the market
It is assumed that the infected pork products has been for sale for some time and some consumers may have purchased and consumed the products. Also the wastes from these products are used as feed for pigs, which will result in a series of new outbreaks.
Panama Declared Dengue Epidemic Zone
Panama was declared dengue epidemic area by the Health Ministry 8MINSA) due to the persistency of the disease that has killed 13 between 2013 and 2014 and the presence of the transmitting mosquito.
Fla. dolphins harbor potentially deadly bacteria
Researchers found 43 of 126 dolphins tested had antibodies indicating exposure to the Chlamydiaceae bacteria, which can make them more vulnerable to other deadly infections.
Great Lakes freeze is largest for nearly 20 years as U.S. is battered by most bitter winter since 1979
Not since early 1996 has ice been so widespread on the Great Lakes, with the frigid winter pushing Lake Superior toward a complete ice over.