Parched Earth: California as state declares emergency
New satellite images show the true extent of the record drought hitting California, as the state declares an emergency and seeks federal aid.
The Next Tire To Drop On The US Economy
Auto sales in the US have been hopping for the last few years, and production has soared, and exuberance along with it, and there were even hopes that sales would soon be where they’d been before the crisis, before the bankruptcies, the plant closures, the job destruction, the bailouts. Through August, it looked like it could happen.
The U.S Economy Is Getting Ready to Crash Again… Are You Prepared?
Last month’s record-breaking surge in housing starts has rapidly reversed and fell 9.8% MoM – the biggest drop since April 2013. Despite a plethora of revisions, single unit housing starts tumbled to 610k – the lowest since July.
Entire Fukushima Plant Covered In Deadly Gamma Rays
Interview with nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, Power Hour, Jan. 16, 2014: “The most fascinating new thing is there’s a gamma ray haze over the plant. Gamma rays are like x-rays. Essentially, the entire plant has a gamma ray haze over it to the tune of about 1,000 millirem a year [...] There’s essentially a haze of radioactive particles.”
Must-See Charts
There is no way we can have economic prosperity in this country when the top 1% has all of the money. The middle class is basically being destroyed right in front of our very eyes. warning issued over attack on 2nd Amendment
'Compliance with the law will not necessarily spare gun owners grief'
Gov. Andrew Cuomo: "Conservative Republicans … have no place in the state of New York"
"Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."
65-89% of Obamacare enrollees already had insurance
The latest reporting on this topic comes from Christopher Weaver and Anna Wilde Mathews of the Wall Street Journal. They cite several industry surveys on the coverage history of those signing up for insurance on the Obamacare exchanges. The first, from McKinsey & Co., indicates that “only 11 percent of consumers who bought new coverage under the law were previously uninsured.”
95 Flu Deaths In California
H1N1 45 deaths confirmed from influenza this season in California. According to LA Times State epidemiologist Dr. Gil Chavez said “We have 45 confirmed and 50 under investigation (Video)
Sex With Google Glass
When Google Glass was released, we knew its potential was limitless. That potential, as with all new visual technology, also included a new and uncharted way to explore sex.